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Showing posts from September, 2023

Growing Up With Dogs

Growing Up With Dogs I love dogs. I think they are cute, regardless of their age, size, or breed. Every day, I spend about an hour watching videos of dog accounts I subscribe to on various social media platforms. I like that I feel better after seeing their fluffiness, derpy faces, and naughty antics. Since I was a kid, we've had dogs in the house. If I remember correctly, we had 7 dogs all at the same time at one point. That's how much of a dog lover we were (and still are). I think I was around 11 or 12 when we got our first dog. It was a cute, little brown aspin (“asong pinoy” or Filipino dog) puppy that we named Chief. I remember how playful and bitey he was, and how my siblings and I would run away from him and jump up our couch to escape his sharp baby teeth. Those were fun times. When Chief was 2, we adopted another dog. It was a cute, white aspin puppy that we named Puppy. Yup, we called him Puppy. Unlike Chief, he was much calmer and gentler. I don't remember him c...