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Showing posts from November, 2017

Several Health Benefits of Mint Fish Oil

Because the human body cannot naturally produce omega-3 fatty acids, people rely on alternative health options, such as fish oil, to meet the recommended dietary requirements.  Fish oil is a dietary supplement packed with omega-3 fatty acids. It is a great source of EPA and DHA, which are quite abundant in salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, mackerel, and other cold-water oily fish. It is available in three different forms --- pill, capsule, and liquid. It also comes in a variety of flavors, including lemon, orange, and mint. Mint fish oil is one of the most commonly taken flavored fish oil supplements today. Over the years,  several studies have found that it can help improve health and maintain the proper functioning of important bodily organs and systems. • According to research, consistent intake of mint fish oil or other fish oil supplements in a span of at least six months can significantly lower a person’s risk of heart disease. The findings show elevated EPA omega-...

The Effects Of Personal Robots And Other Forms Of Artificial Intelligence On Health Care

A lot of people have this misconception that the existence of machines, robots, and artificial intelligence is only going to rob them of job opportunities. This could not be farther than the truth, as these innovations actually help improve the way medical care is administered by medical professionals and received by patients. Early Diagnosis Of Alzheimer’s It is very important that anyone who suffers from Alzheimer’s is diagnosed early on, as this disease can bring severe harm and damage to an individual’s health and well-being. Because identifying the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is quite difficult, the use of machine learning can significantly lessen the time that it takes to detect even the smallest signs. In a recent study published on the Neurobiology of Aging, it was found that using machine learning with the right algorithm to search for the presence of amyloid plaques in the brain delivered faster results and allowed diagnosed patients to undergo therapy and treatment...

Startup Business Ideas For People With No Business Education Or Starting Capital

There are so many people that aspire to establish their own companies today. A lot of them are gifted with the ability to come up with these remarkable business ideas, but would often end up not following through because of a lack of money. They think that they can only get started if they have a significant amount of capital to finance their startup. But is that really the only way one can become a successful entrepreneur? Does having sufficient funding ensure you a place in this industry? Is there a way to make your startup business ideas a reality despite having very little money to work with? Limited funds should not stop anyone from executing any startup business ideas from home that they have. Starting your own home-based business can still be done with whatever meager resource you already have on hand. They key here is to realize the full potential of your skill set and expertise, and taking advantage of the free and cheap materials around you. Whether you have a ...