Over the years, the image of cigars has evolved from just some rolled bundle of tobacco to a luxury and investment that people spend tons of money on. Even world-famous personalities like Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and the late British statesman Winston Churchill had been seen in at least one occasion with a cigar in their hands. Cigars have become more than just a puff. The cigar market is made up of different brands manufactured by companies that rake in a sizeable amount every year. A couple of years ago, one could buy a vintage Romeo y Juliet 10-cigar box for £11,500, which was ten times its estimated cost (£2,225) and almost 300 times its original price (£70). C Gars managing director Mitchell Orchant says the premium cigars market is valued at several billions of pounds, with the United States and Europe leading the list of top consumers of the product. China is slowly climbing up, allocating £216 million annually, with a 30% growth every year. In Hong Kon...